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Smoking Ban Vote - do MPs really represent you?

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Mr Calendar

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PostPosted: 10:57 - 14 Feb 2006    Post subject: Smoking Ban Vote - do MPs really represent you? Reply with quote

As another thought after this thread I was wondering if MPs really do represent the views of their constituents. I realise this doesn't just apply to the smoking ban vote.

You see in a whipped vote the MP must follow the party line. So if the people they represents disagree with the party line then tough, their views are ignored.

In a free vote the MP can vote according to his/her conscience. Now to me that means that if this disagrees with the people they represent then, again, it's tough, their views ignored.

Now in a free vote (like the smoking ban) I suppose an MP could find out what local opinion is and go along with it. However, do they really bother or is it like any clique just about winning brownie points with their peers and voting accordingly?

Any thoughts?
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Last edited by map on 11:37 - 14 Feb 2006; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: 11:11 - 14 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote


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PostPosted: 11:25 - 14 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

When do they ever actually represent anything other than their own interests? Show me a politician doing his job for a reason other than personal gain and I'll show you a liar.
Photos and that
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PostPosted: 23:21 - 14 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

To live in a true democracy we would have a referendum on every law that was debated. As we don't, I would consider us to live in an elected dictatorship. Just my Penny Coin Penny Coin
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Captain Safety

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PostPosted: 02:51 - 15 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

we get to choose between 3 colours on voting day, and in most areas, our vote doesnt matter as that area is usually one particular colour due to who lives there

i think a lot of politicians are doing something they believe in rather than just for the money, but that doesnt stop them from being stupid and incompetant at times
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Gay Hairdresser

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PostPosted: 02:56 - 15 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Imo you elect a politician to best represent your views and make educated decisions based on knowing all the facts.

You may not want a ban, but maybe they know it is best for you and the country....
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Captain Safety

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PostPosted: 04:18 - 15 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

damnit maurice, you are not supposed to respect politicians !

did they take you away and brainwash you or something ?

i dont think most politicians are much more educated about the facts than I am. I doubt many have actually read the bill they are voting on
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Traffic Copper

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PostPosted: 22:16 - 15 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

swampy wrote:
To live in a true democracy we would have a referendum on every law that was debated. As we don't, I would consider us to live in an elected dictatorship. Just my Penny Coin Penny Coin

Yup, couldn't put it better myself.
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Mrs Kickstart
Brolly Dolly

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PostPosted: 22:19 - 15 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote


...and it could be that a lot of people dont tell their MP what they think.

Of course it does not mean they will vote the way you want. The whip system is a great advert for an independent MP.

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Super Spammer

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PostPosted: 22:27 - 15 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

maurice wrote:
but maybe they know it is best for you and the country....

Or maybe they just f*** up sometimes.
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Irezumi aka Reuben
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PostPosted: 23:00 - 15 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

...and it could be that a lot of people dont tell their MP what they think.

Unless you wish to go out of your way to find out time's and meeting places for council meeting's it is very difficult to convey your views/thought's to them.

Even so there was an article a couple of month's back in my local newspaper. Can not remember what it involved tbh, beleive it was some form of youth community scheme. However I do remember that the article showed unequivocally how the project in question could be done in a more economical, more communtiy relevant and generally better way was ignored. Unsurprisingly the reason why this was not followed and a much worse course of action was, was that the local councillor had ties with another company who conveniently got said contract.

Unluckily for my local representative I know his home address as it is a 10 minute walk away.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 23:02 - 15 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

flip wrote:
maurice wrote:
but maybe they know it is best for you and the country....

Or maybe they just f*** up sometimes.

Sometimes,I think you mean regularly.

...and it could be that a lot of people dont tell their MP what they think.

On the other side have they ever thought to ask us.
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Nitrous Nuisance

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PostPosted: 00:17 - 16 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

my opinion on this matter is that they have taken the law tooo far! i myself am a non smoker who hasent touched a fag in my life. i like that fact that wen the law comes into effect that i will be able to come outta a niteclub and not smell like an astray but at the same time i dont mind people smoking around me aslong as they dont intentionally smoke into my face

so yer, its gone 2 far
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Mister James
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PostPosted: 06:18 - 16 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

And yet polls consistently show that a large majority are in favour of a total ban, and have been for some time.

We live in a representative democracy. The original greek method of making a 'true' democracy work was to limit the vote to a handful of the population - basically the political classes that would control it anyway! I think I prefer our system.

Colinwall wrote:
we get to choose between 3 colours on voting day, and in most areas, our vote doesnt matter as that area is usually one particular colour due to who lives there

There are far more choices than 3 on every ballot I've ever seen, and besides, if you don't like the choices, you get stuck in and change it yourself - that's democracy.

To say your vote doesn't matter because most people who live in an area vote a certain way is a bit misleading. You vote has been counted, most people disagree with you, so the majority rules. If you felt stronglyenough about a party or politician, you'd be out there campaigning to increase their support.
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Captain Safety

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PostPosted: 06:37 - 16 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

I live in a labour area, it has always been labour, and always will be. It doesnt matter whether I vote or not, or who I vote for as Labour will always win. So I dont bother voting.

If i did feel like campaigning for a party, I'd do it in a marginal seat not a safe one.

On things related to voting...
In ancient greece it was just the rich who voted.
In America I tend to think politicians just rely on big business to donate cash to buy votes with advertising campaigns. I tend to think Bush does what ever the Oil Companies want.

Today I was a bit curious about Dick Cheney (the one in Bush's government who shot someone). It turns out that he is an oil executive (Haliburton the same company killa works for) so the oil companies and government are one and the same in America. Not separate bodies scratching each others backs at all !

So when Bush invaded Iraq, his administraion were far closer to the oil companies than Id realised.

Im glad its not that bad yet in England.
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Mister James
I want to believe!

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PostPosted: 08:23 - 16 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

I live in a labour area, it has always been labour, and always will be. It doesnt matter whether I vote or not, or who I vote for as Labour will always win. So I dont bother voting.

Then you are an idiot, and have no right to complain about anything political, because you have squandered your chance to influence it. Elections are won and lost on the basis of people making decisions like that.

Personally, considering how much suffering people went through to get universal suffering, I believe it to be rather disrespectful and lazy to not vote. Spoil your ballot by all means, but the act of voting deserves a bit of respect, even if you don't believe the candidates do.


If i did feel like campaigning for a party, I'd do it in a marginal seat not a safe one.

If the Lib Dems thought like you, they wouldn't have overturned an unbeatable majority and won a seat back from Labour this week. Their votes and effort counted, despite being in a hugely safe Labour seat.


On things related to voting...
In ancient greece it was just the rich who voted.

I believe my last post highlighted the issues in Greece. I have a degree in ancient history, centred mostly on the city-states, so I have a passing familiarity with the concepts involved.


In America I tend to think politicians just rely on big business to donate cash to buy votes with advertising campaigns. I tend to think Bush does what ever the Oil Companies want.

I tend to think that you form your opinions without much basis in fact. The Lobbying situation in the US is far more complicated than that, although I suppose it's easier to just dredge through some vague memories of Bush being nasty and evil eh? Blood for Oil! Yay! That's much easier than actually forming an informed opinion.


Today I was a bit curious about Dick Cheney (the one in Bush's government who shot someone). It turns out that he is an oil executive (Haliburton the same company killa works for) so the oil companies and government are one and the same in America. Not separate bodies scratching each others backs at all !

Congratulations! You are officially the last person on the planet to know that Cheney was involved with Halliburton! It's been common (and much debated) knowledge for years! There are small tribes in darkest Africa with no access to the western media or understanding of the written word, who worked that out before you!


So when Bush invaded Iraq, his administraion were far closer to the oil companies than Id realised.

Do you even watch the news?!?!


Im glad its not that bad yet in England.

As England doesn't have it's own political system (unlike the rest of the UK) it isn't really an issue.

However, if you think that the British political system is without lobbyists and partisan interests, you are much mistaken. The Oil Lobby is no different to all of the other special interest groups trying to influence legislation. Think Trade Unions, Pharmaceuticals, Defence contractors, Islamic groups, etc.
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Trackday Trickster

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PostPosted: 15:48 - 16 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

I understand the importance of voting and i do vote, but it does seem like no matter who we have in govenment or the local council its allways the same.
what would the libdems do different to labour (i am seriousley considering supporting them as they seem to be the only party who arent fuckwits that realy on making promises they have no intentions of keeping just so they win, or pulling off an elaborate stunt the month before an election!)

but my point is...noone could come into power and say "i want to do this" cos no matter who you vote in, the gits youve just voted out will always be there moaning and moaning and trying to interupt it all. i just seems a rather limited govenment to me.
which has its benefits, like if the BNP got in...then they could be stoped from turning the country into a racial battleground. or if the greens got in they couldnt just say "turn off the power stations" and we have to live with it...
it just seems the politicalprocess is VERY slow to change and one goventment doesnt seem to do any different from annother
Anyone stupid enough to think we will drag a load of wooden horses full of soldiers into our city is certanley stupid enough to drag all of ours into theirs!
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Mr Calendar

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PostPosted: 17:32 - 16 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

I live in a labour area, it has always been labour, and always will be. It doesnt matter whether I vote or not, or who I vote for as Labour will always win. So I dont bother voting....

As said already you really should be bothered.
History is made by those who bother to show up.

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