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Bone infection?? Docs or experienced help!!

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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 22:45 - 06 Feb 2006    Post subject: Bone infection?? Docs or experienced help!! Reply with quote

Has anyone ever had one? What were the symptoms?

I felt the ball of my foot feeling very bruised on thursday, more so on Friday, causing me to alter my walk.

Saturday I could barely call what I was doing walking, and my foot was melting hot and had swollen to double the size of my other foot by the evening, I took an Ibueprofen for the first time in my life as I dont really agree with them and was put onto Amoxycillin.

Sunday it was hard work getting out of bed, and walking became a painful enough to makeme wanna die. What looked like an under skin blister appeared with yellow/brown/black stuff visible inside.

Today, woke up and was to be doing a highly important course at work today and for the next 3 days. It took me 21mins to hobble to the bus stop 400m away, in turn missing the bus.

I gave up on getting to wrk and when I got in and took my shoes off couldnt walk. I looked at my foot and found the infected looking underskin 'thing' had doubled in size and I am now getting sharp pains through the area. I booked an emergency appointment at docs and they said it looks like it could well be a bone infection and upon searching the symptoms seem right to me.

They have taken me off of the Amoxycillin as it was the wrong stuff and threw me onto Cetalin.

The pain is unbearable, and I am sposed to be meeting a chick on saturday night in town, just hope my foot is better and the antibiotics have worked!

So anyone had this or had a friend who suffered, or was/are a doctor/nurse? If so help me!
05 ZX10R, (**05 WKR) Very Happy
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Quote Me Happy

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PostPosted: 22:47 - 06 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Gammamanuk had a "bone" infection Thumbs Up

Ask him Mr. Green
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PostPosted: 23:01 - 06 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm, should I rate that helpful then Joe? Bloody fool.

Just dropped a botle of beer on it too. Because apparently the pain wasnt already enough for whoever has the voodoo doll!
05 ZX10R, (**05 WKR) Very Happy
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Bovine Proctologist

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PostPosted: 23:10 - 06 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

I sincerely hope they sent you to the hospital to x-ray it and find out what the hell is going on.

Bone infections (osteomyelitis) are nasty and take a LONG course of high dose antibiotics to clear up. Did you have a wound in that area? You would normally have had to cause physical trauma to the area to the extemt the bone was exposed or penetrated by something.

Could also be that you have a small chip fracture on one of the bones which has formed a sequestrum.

Cetalin is a drug called Ceftriaxone which would be appropriate for osteomyelitis but as far as I can find out, it is only available in this country as Rocephin and only in injectable form. If you are on it, make sure you drink plenty of water.

You sure you have the drug name right and it isn't something like Clavaseptin (Potentiated Amoxycillin), Ciprox (ciprofloxacin) or cepravin (cephalexin)? You would only usually be given ceftrioxamine in a hospital by injection or IV infusion.
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PostPosted: 01:06 - 07 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

My dad had a bone infection in his ankle, no doctor who saw him across the 18 months it was there ever managed to diagnose it with any number of scans and biopsies and no matter which drugs he was given, it didn't go away. It was purple, black and blue, yellow, red, swollen to twice it's normal size and by all accounts extremely painful. About the furthest they got towards a diagnosis was a suggestion of 'septic arthritis'.

He refused on several occasions to let them amputate it and eventually, it went away on it's own. Confused Still, it's only a matter of time until it recurs and they might have to amputate it. Bone infections are bad news.
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PostPosted: 14:09 - 07 Feb 2006    Post subject: Re: Bone infection?? Docs or experienced help!! Reply with quote

Sammyboy wrote:
Has anyone ever had one? What were the symptoms?
I booked an emergency appointment at docs and they said it looks like it could well be a bone infection and upon searching the symptoms seem right to me.

They have taken me off of the Amoxycillin as it was the wrong stuff and threw me onto Cetalin.

Bone infections are nasty. I am surprised the doctor didnt send you to hospital, for intravenous antibiotics.

If it doesnt get show any improvement soon, I wouldnt mess about with it, just get yourself up to A&E, tell them the story and that you cant bear the pain, see what they have to say.
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Mrs Kickstart
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PostPosted: 18:36 - 07 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote


It also sounds a bit like gout to me but I assume you have seen a doctor and he would know.

I had MRSA in my femur, and may have been the reason the break was not healing.

It was treated by antibotics on drip. The drip hurt more than the leg.

Good luck with it, and If it is that bad get back to the quack.

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PostPosted: 02:03 - 08 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Will be going back tommorrow, hurts even when I aint moving. To the point where I dont want to move to piss. I have got mum to bring me back some crutches from the hospital, which are helping a little. The left foot is now starting too hurt a fair bit, which means that the crutches will be absolete in 1 or 2 days.

Hmm, first time I had cried in a while was yesterday too, dropped a beer bottle on my foot! Ouch, mutha fucking ouch!!
05 ZX10R, (**05 WKR) Very Happy
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Bovine Proctologist

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PostPosted: 02:41 - 08 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ahh, that drug makes more sense. Cefalexin (Fukking American spellings, the drug was isolated from a sample obtained in a sewage outflow on the Island of Cephalonia and was named after it. With a fukking 'ph' not an 'f', you can also spell it Kefalonia, but then it starts with a 'k').

Anyway, it is a second generation cephalosporin with a broad spectrum of action and good tissue penetration, should be effective against a bone infection.

Be aware, it reduces your alcohol tolerance by competing with the enzume in your liver that breaks down alcohol, best to lay-off the beer while you are on it.

I feel I should also say that if I was suspected of having a bone infection with no apparent cause, I would INSIST on it being x-rayed to confirm the extent and nature of the damage.

If it turns out you have gout, respect due for your extravagant lifestyle and shitty but oh-so-satisfying diet. Thumbs Up Gout can be confirmed on a blood test.
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PostPosted: 02:51 - 08 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Best not have anything caused from eating wrong. Always try eating the good stuff for me. Which I know enough about. But hmm, had an indian last weekend! Razz

Already on Roaccutane, so dont really touch any more than 1 beer.

Was told to go back to see the progress after 2 days, so back in tommorrow and will say I want it testing. Which as I pay too fucking much in taxes I should be allowed to do. Cheers again stinkwheel. Will have a wee search for gout on the internet see if that looks the same visually. Thumbs Up Sad
05 ZX10R, (**05 WKR) Very Happy
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Bovine Proctologist

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PostPosted: 03:11 - 08 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sammyboy wrote:

Already on Roaccutane, so dont really touch any more than 1 beer.

Not familiar with this drug (I am a vet, not a doctor. Dogs and cats tend not to bother too much about such things). But a quick read of the data sheet makes me wonder if your symptoms could be a side-effect (which are apparently many and varied with roaccutane). They should be doing periodic liver function blood tests while you are on that drug anyway.

Whatever, don't let them fuck you about. If you do have a bone infection, it wants jumping on quickly and properly. If you don't, they should be actively finding out what is going on, not 'I think it could be'-ing

In all honesty, what you have said sounds like the doctor has fobbed you off to me, in the hope that you will go away and he won't have to think about it too hard. That said, I am a bit cynical after recent experiences with NHS first oppinion practitioners (where my girlfriend was admitted as an emergency and spent three days in hospital on IV antibiotics only two hours after her GP announced that there was nothing wrong with her tonsils).
“Rule one: Always stick around for one more drink. That's when things happen. That's when you find out everything you want to know.
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PostPosted: 03:23 - 08 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Roaccutane is for if you are a spotty urchin.

The docs once prescribed my sis 3 types of pennicillin that she had a reaction to. Upon her nearly receiving a third stronger dose she told them to fuck off, and that she is obviously allergic to it"! They seem to be complete clowns at times, which they are just doing as they need a quick diagnosis so they can keep to the timetables.
05 ZX10R, (**05 WKR) Very Happy
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PostPosted: 11:29 - 08 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had a bone infection twice when I had external fixator on last year and it sounds exactly like what your describing. extremely painful I couldnt move my ankle a cm without screaming in pain.

I was admitted back in to hospital for the first infection for another 2 weeks and put on something called amoxacillin or something like that. the 2nd infection was just starting to get as bad but I popped up to my gp and they prescribed me another course of antibiotics. I was also taking tremadol and codeine phospate to try and make the pain ease and it didnt hardly do anything, so ibuprofen isnt really gonna do alot.
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PostPosted: 19:52 - 13 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dont mind admitting I spent last tuesday night almost crying myself to sleep, early in the am. After I had already taken 4 super strength Ibuprofen's, So my mum heard me whing and grunting, trying to be a man and not cry. She took me to A&E where she works so she could visit and they admitted me.

I had a few tests (blood test, Blood pressure, Xray) and then a woman said she wanted to know what the infection was and said it would hurt less than the after affects of an operation. Upon agreeing she injected the ball of my foot with an inch worth of needle. To which I screamed across the ward in a manly voice "Ahhhhhhh, Fuuuuuuuuck" she then said I am off to a ward.

They gave me no painlkillers for 12 hours before putting me asleep at 4pm and I awoke at 16:50(in time for freinds on E4) So I stayed in until this eveing afyter having IV antibiotics until yesterday, and 2 lots of packing in the wound.

I fell in love with a nurse pretty much and am gutted to be home on the crutches. I am glad I went to the hospital now, and the tablets i am now on are: Erythrimycin and Flucloxacillin.

I am glad the pain is over and gutted I didnt get the chance to talk to the nurse.

I was having my blood pressure checked today and I was getting results of 106-109 over 62-70, as she was stood there it hit a 135 over 66. Hehe, I laughed and she flashed her beautiful smile. Will talk to her when I am dressed for chatting people up in 2 weeks! Thumbs Up

Cheers for the help in this thread guys. Most pain gone now!
05 ZX10R, (**05 WKR) Very Happy
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The Oracle

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PostPosted: 19:57 - 13 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote


Good to hear it. At least it is hopefully now properly sorted out.

All the best

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PostPosted: 21:02 - 13 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Hope your feeling better soon.
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PostPosted: 00:20 - 14 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

that'll clear up in no time, if you think your gettinganother infection again get up to your GP ASAP mate, to get a course of antibiotics. I got 2 infections within a space of 2 months.
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World Chat Champion

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PostPosted: 00:51 - 14 Feb 2006    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have the red/purple effect appearing on the left now, 1/10th the size, and isnt painful.

Might wait just to see that stunning nurs again!! (joke)
05 ZX10R, (**05 WKR) Very Happy
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